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book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand

Book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand

Book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand : A short book review of “UNTOUCHABLE” by Mulk Raj Anand. I recently read Untouchable by Mulk Raj Anand and I highly recommend it.

book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand
book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand

Untouchable is a novel by Mulk Raj Anand published in 1935. The novel established Anand as one of India’s leading English authors.[1] The book was inspired by his aunt’s experience when she had a meal with a Muslim woman and was treated as an outcast by her family.[2][3] The plot of this book, Anand’s first, revolves around the argument for eradicating the caste system.

The novel is a powerful tale of oppression, poverty, and resilience in India, as seen through the eyes of its protagonist Bakha, an untouchable. Anand’s writing style is captivating, and the story is captivating. Throughout the novel, Bakha confronts the injustice and prejudice of his caste system and learns to take charge of his own life.

Anand’s exploration of caste politics in India is both eye-opening and thought-provoking, and his depiction of everyday life in India is vivid and powerful. I was really moved by this book, and it’s definitely worth a read for anyone interested in politics, history, and culture.

We always try to present all things in a unique way. There are many reviews you will get on various platforms. But we have tried to make it easy and different. We have tried to make it suitable for all. Here we describe the review along with the main story shortly. So we hope you like our review of the book “UNTOUCHABLE”.
Let’s start,

book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand

“UNTOUCHABLE”- is a novel about a vision of dirty thinking in India. This novel is a gift to our Indian Sahitya by Mulk Raj Anand. In the beginning, the author includes the washerman, leather- workers, barbers, sweepers, and other lower casts. He introduced us to the Dalit people in India. Those Dalits, are always neglected by the cheap thinking of our society. The author describes this dirty thinking through the life of a hapless eighteen-year-old boy. The boy, named Bakha, belongs to a sweeper family and lives in the small town of Basha. He is also a sweeper and the main character of the story.

 untouchable by mulk raj anand

The details about Bakha are clearly described by the author. So, anyone can easily understand it and feel the character. Readers can easily imagine Bakha and his daily life. In the past, a troubled society that the author faced around him. He(the author) wants to present everything beautifully through his observation. He includes the full-day activities of the sweeper boy Bakha.

Review in a few words of the book “untouchable”
If we go to review the book “UNTOUCHABLE” properly the lack of words will occur here. So if we describe a review in some words, we say it is very interesting, educative, and inspirable.


 untouchable by mulk raj anand


In the novel, the day starts with Bakha and his father, Lakha. Lakha shouted at Bakha for his(Bakha) laziness in the morning. But Bakha did not listen to anything of his father. After some time, he got up hearing Charat Singh’s voice. Havildar Charat Singh asked Bakha to clean his latrine. Being happy with Bakha’s work he promised to give him(Bakha) a hockey stick later. In this way, many incidents happen throughout the whole day of Bakha’s life. Some are joyful and some are very uncomfortable for Bakha. But every time Bakha gained a new experience.

Describing the incidents with Bakha, the author every time pinned and reminded us. He wants to say how a lower caste suffers from various problems every day. In every step how the lower castes tolerate insults in Hindu society. Author Mulk Raj presents the Novel in such a way that the environment of that time automatically creates in our mind.

book review of untouchable by Mulk raj anand

Some incidents with Bakha are very notable. Here, he understands why they were neglected by society. He realizes that their occupation is the cause of this situation.
Such as, when Bakha became very tired and felt thirsty, he ran into his house.

But there was no water in the house. Then Bakha’s sister reached the well and saw other lower castes also waiting there. Because there was no one belonging to the upper caste. At that time, it was a rule that anyone of a lower caste could not draw water from the well. Here, the dirty thinking of society defeated the thirst of a man.

The next incident was when without any reason a priest blamed Bakha and slapped him(Bakha), where all mistakes were done by the priest. Bakha could not tolerate this insult and run away from the palace. Here the society expressed a type of side, where truth and falsehood were covered with a dark sight.

So, we can say, the “UNTOUCHABLE” was fighting against the high/upper class of Hindu samaj with its content. And the author Mulk Raj Anand has filled the content with his sword.

book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand

book review of untouchable by mulk raj anand

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