How to start a blog website at a low cost and earn money?
I hope in the current scenario, many of the students are also trying to get a job and other earning sources. But they fail because they are not pushing the best way. So don’t worry. We are writing this post for you.
We are dividing this post into three parts.
1st part is basically for students as a part-time job at home. 2nd part is for complete-time work at your home. 3rd part for you are already working, but you want to make money using your extra time.
So We are discussing 1st part now. Please read very carefully. Then if you have any queries, you can comment on our post.
1st part, you are a student, or you are completing your study and trying to make money online. If you are visiting this post, I am sure you are reading this types of another post . But what’s new today in our position? Right? 1st of all not precisely new. Just we are trying to make it profoundly and genuinely. We are covering a lot of the trips and tricks. We hope you find it helpful in earning money.
How to start a blog website?
Do you know what a blog webiste is?
If you don’t know, then don’t worry.
On blog websites, some people write posts regarding their experiences. What kind of post-it depends own choice and expanse. For example, you are a programmer or developer, and then you can quickly write a post regarding programming unloaded how to start a programming life and create a program or software. How can anyone form a programing as per your expanse you share your opinion. This one is a blog post. When you publish this post, you are on your website, and then your website is a blog website.
How to create your website?
If you want to make your blog webiste, you have two options. If you’re going to free of cost and others, you need to invest some money.
Now, if you choose free of cost, you have many options for you. But the best way to create a blog webiste is on the google blogger platform. And Blogger is free of charge, and you can try it. This one is for only beginners. If you want to make it personal, you need to go wordpress platform. When you make a wordpress website, you need a hosting and domain name. Hosting is a server which is hosting your website on the internet. A domain is your website address or your webiste identity.
So 1st of all, how can be earning your website? There are two options google Adsense, and another way is an affiliate program.
- Google advance
When you have a webiste with your content, you can apply for a google advancement on your website. Google team verifies your content. If you follow all google tram and policies, then google is allowed to progress on your site. - Affiliate program
All brands are provided with an affiliate program to digital marking programs. If you have a blog or youtube channel, you can join their program. You want to create an affiliate, and you need to share your affiliate link on your webiste. The brand gives your earnings if anyone purchases any product through your connection ( link ).
We describe how to create a free of cost website on blogger ( Google ).
1st of all, you need a google account ( mail address ). So I hope you have already a mail account. If you do not have any mail account, you create a new account.
Click here and create a new mail account.
Please you are flowing all the process steps by step given below.
Now you open google chrom or any browser and just login with your gmail ID . If you are you using mobile phone then this one is very deficult for you . Make sure you need a destop or laptop . there are lot of
Now open google chrome or any browser and log in with your Gmail ID. If you are using a mobile phone, then this one is tough for you. Make sure you need a desktop or laptop. Now type blogger or click here.

Please check the screenshot and click the 1st link.
"use strict";
var adace_load_67d475e38cdf6 = function(){
var viewport = $(window).width();
var tabletStart = 601;
var landscapeStart = 801;
var tabletEnd = 961;
var content = '';
var unpack = true;
Now click the create blog options and continue. Please note you must be logging in with your mail Id.
After that, open a new window, and you need to choose your webiste Title. Choose a name for your Blog.
This title name will have appeared on the top of your Blog. type your title name and click Next .
Next open
Next, open a new window. In this option, you need to choose your blog website address name. This one is the very most important part. Please select a good address . Don’t choose a long address . choose a short word with good sound. I hope you understand.
After the selection blog name then, you click just next bottom.After that, please Confirm your display name and then finish.Now you can access your dashboard. You can access your post, website page, website theme, etc.
Please note this point.
This blogger platform is only for beginners. If you try, then blogger is the best platform. This platform is free. You can easily make your blog website without any invest your money. But if you already know or are already working as a blogger, you move to a wordpress blog.
Blogger is a platform provided website name with its extension. So it would be best if you had a 1st class or two and a class domain name.
If you don’t know what is 1 st class domain name. don’t worry .
1st class domain extension example :
2nd class domain
So please buy 1st class domain. This one helps you when you apply for google AdSense adcence approval. Because Google AdSense is always giving priority 1st class domain.
Now we are discussing the wordpress website-related query and then processing.
1st of all, when you worked on wordpress that time, you needed a hosting and domain name. So you buy a hosting and domain name.
There are a lot of companies offering domain name hosting.
Provider company list ( domain Name ) :
- NameCheap.
- Google Domains.
- Dreamhost.
- Hover.
- GoDaddy.
- Bluehost
Other most important for your website hosting. Many companies offer the best hosting, But we are taking some names on our list. Now varieties of hosting are available on the market.
So per your requirement, you can purchase your hosting.
If you are a beginner, then you can go share hosting.
Shared hosting is chip and suitable for the beginner. So start on shared hosting. If you feel you need more speed or more space, you can upgrade your hosting as per your requirement.
2next option, you can buy a VPN server or host. This server is costly, and the next option is cloud server or cloud hosting.
Suppose you work on any news website. Then cloud hosting or server is the best option.
After the hosting selection, you need to contact the hosting and domain name each other.
- Hostinger.
- Cloudways.
- HostGator.
- Hostwinds
- Bluehost
After the hosting and domain selection, now you need to connect the domain and host throw the name server.Chk the hosting name server name and copy the name server name. Next, you open your domain user dashboard and chk name server setting and past the hosting name server . after 24 hours, automatically connect the domain and hosting.When you connect your hosting and domain, you can instal wordpress and choose a theme. one more thing, please choose an excellent response theme and customize the theme. Now you can write a post and publish your post.
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